วันจันทร์ที่ 17 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2557

Diary Day 14 (A Discourse Approach in Reading 2/2556)

               On Monday 17 Febulary, 2014. I learnt a Discourse Approach in Reading by Dr. Usa Noytim. I studied about Expository Text. The teacher taught and she explains about is used to expository. And I study about is the internet and society. It is used to internet at present. In addition, it had positive influences and negative influences. And solution about is used to the internet. In addition, I study about is how to cope with Insomnia. This is Insomnia. It is often occurring in adults. The teacher does exercises and vocabulary translation in the classroom. I problem to learn a Discourse Approach in Reading. For me, I think vocabulary it is difficult and not seen because may be words is specific vocabulary. It makes me feel very hard for me. And it makes me to study not understand. And she taught to enjoy. It makes me feel very happy in this classroom. And she taught to think with everyone in the class.

