วันอาทิตย์ที่ 23 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2557

The Special Blog (My feeling about the discourse approach in reading class)

        Today, I wrote about my feeling about the discourse approach in reading class with Dr. Usa Noytim. I feel very happy and enjoy with this course because she is taught about the concept of how continuous texts fit together and importance of discourse marker etc. And she taught many things give students. Such as, about is learning and living. She gives commentaries on living in everyday and in the university. Then, her experience relay to students in this class.

This subject, she used to modern instructional media. In addition, the content of each story to study. It had interesting and exciting because I know new vocabulary and this word is never seen. It makes me feel challenged in the study. The most words very hard, but some word is easy rather. Then, she introduces about websites. That is introduce about discourse marker, recount, narrative, description, procedure and comparison and contrast etc. 

In addition, this subject helps to me about in reading because it makes me know about strategies for read more and new words. And it makes me to understand, sometime may be difficult in this subject.  For me, the teacher is very beautiful and working women. She taught everything to students. It makes me feel happy and enjoy in this class.

Finally, this subject is useful for me. It makes me my reading and my writing is more better. However, I thank for the teacher. It makes me development in learning more English for me.

วันจันทร์ที่ 17 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2557

Diary Day 14 (A Discourse Approach in Reading 2/2556)

               On Monday 17 Febulary, 2014. I learnt a Discourse Approach in Reading by Dr. Usa Noytim. I studied about Expository Text. The teacher taught and she explains about is used to expository. And I study about is the internet and society. It is used to internet at present. In addition, it had positive influences and negative influences. And solution about is used to the internet. In addition, I study about is how to cope with Insomnia. This is Insomnia. It is often occurring in adults. The teacher does exercises and vocabulary translation in the classroom. I problem to learn a Discourse Approach in Reading. For me, I think vocabulary it is difficult and not seen because may be words is specific vocabulary. It makes me feel very hard for me. And it makes me to study not understand. And she taught to enjoy. It makes me feel very happy in this classroom. And she taught to think with everyone in the class.

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 16 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2557

Diary Day 13 (A Discourse Approach in Reading 2/2556)

              On Monday 10 February, 2014. I learnt a Discourse Approach in Reading by Dr. USA Noytim. I study about is Problem and Solution. She taught and explains about used to problem markers and solution markers. She does exercises in the classroom. For me, It is a difficult and I not understand. I problem to learn a Discourse Approach in Reading because I don’t know vocabulary because it is very hard. And she taught to enjoy. It makes me feel very happy in this classroom.

Diary Day 12 (A Discourse Approach in Reading 2/2556)

           On Sunday 9 February, 2014. I learnt a Discourse Approach in Reading by Dr. USA Noytim. I study about is Exemplification. The teacher taught and explains about used to abbreviations and transitions in exemplification text. And I study about College Students’ Pressures and fun thing to do in Great Falls. She does exercises in the classroom. For me, it is a little difficult. I problem to learn a Discourse Approach in Reading because know a little about vocabulary. And she explains and she taught to me to understand. It makes me feel very fun in this class.

วันเสาร์ที่ 15 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2557

Diary Day 11 (A Discourse Approach in Reading 2/2556)

            On Monday 27 January, 2014. I learnt a Discourse Approach in Reading by Dr. USA Noytim. I study about is Definition and Classification. The teacher taught and explains about use to what is Anthropology. This is physical anthropology and cultural anthropology. And I study too many species of whales. It is many species of whales. It makes me know about is whales. The teacher does exercises in the classroom with my friends. I problem to learn a Discourse Approach in Reading because some vocabulary. And she explains and she taught to me to understand. It makes me feel very happy in this class.

            In addition, After class, I went to Open House at NPRU. This is an academic exhibition from students, many programs. I introduce 2 places. First, I walk to A5 building. It is English booth. It about is study guidelines for the students of English programs. This booth is useful for me because it makes me know about English Education and graduates of this program and what occupations. 

             Second, I went to Tawaravadee building. There was a local wisdom exhibition. I saw many Inkjets shows for the students about important days in Buddhism. This booth was interesting and exciting. This Day, the weather is hot and crowded, but it makes me give my new knowledge from Open House at NPRU.

วันศุกร์ที่ 14 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2557

Diary Day 5 (A Discourse Approach in Reading 2/2556)

            On Monday 2 December 2013. I learnt a Discourse Approach in Reading by Dr. Usa Noytim. I study about the secrets to learnt from yesterday. I learnt about the story of Kylie’s life and shared the story with my friends in the classroom. The teacher explains about the secrets for Kylie’s. The teacher does exercises and vocabulary translation with my friends.
The summary in part one
                Kylie felt left out from her mother and Philip’s activities. She became interested in the chickens in the yard. Somehow her secret helped her to feel less lonely. She found a second egg and then found out where the others were being laid by an unhealthy-looking hen. She sat on the fence, sharing the secret with hen. When she moved in the house, she was forbidden to lift the lid. She sat out under the grapevines with her photo album, turning pages and looking across every now missed her father.
The summary in part two
               Kylie watched the setting on ten eggs and she takes the lid off the well. She starts to go down the well with her photo album every day. So, she watches Philip and her mother and wonders why her father is not with them. Until, Philip discovers her in the well and hits her. In addition, she throws the chicks down well and hits the hen and throws it down the well. When she chooses one special photo which makes her feel good and cuts off her head from the special photo and throws it away.
              The story part one and part two about the story of Kylie’s life.
I think, I feel confused this story because I read this story I do not understand a little, but I have some reading to understand. In addition, I learnt about a new vocabulary in this story. So I will write about the sense the three people in this story.
1.    I dislike feeling sorry for Kylie because she hit the hen and chicks throws it down the well.
     2. I dislike feeling sorry for Kylie’s mother because she cruel with Kylie and left alone into the house.
3.   I dislike feeling sorry for Philip because he hit and shouted loudly with Kylie and don’t care Kylie.
Feeling about the story
                 I think Kylie’s life in the story about neglect, loneliness and coping with the absence of a parent. I think Kylie was often left alone with her mother. And I think was a cope with the absence of a parent is she should ask her mother candid about problem with everything. And this is about the problems associated with family life, I think the family of Kylie should take care Kylie and give to live with her and understand feeling inside her family. Finally, this is about loneliness. I think it's about loneliness for Kylie because she was feeling lonely and sad in every time and she don’t to give a tender feeling from mother and Philip.
Thinking about the story's symbol 
               I think the story's symbol is the eggs because Kylie sit to look the eggs in every day. It compares the feel of hens and to observe the behavior of hens. It feels gentle of hens in sit on eggs. It makes is a new thing for her.

Diary Day 10 (A Discourse Approach in Reading 2/2556)

               On Monday 20 January, 2014. I learnt a Discourse Approach in Reading by Dr. USA Noytim. I study about is Cause and Effect. The teacher taught and explains about use to cause and effect. This is the effects of stress. It is about physical, emotions and long-term. It had both cause and effect of these things. The teacher does exercises in the classroom with my friends. I problem to learn a Discourse Approach in Reading because a little vocabulary and spelling. And the teacher explains and she taught to me to understand.

Diary Day 9 (A Discourse Approach in Reading 2/2556)

               On Monday 6 January, 2014. I learnt a Discourse Approach in Reading by Dr. USA Noytim. I studied about comparison and contrast. The teacher taught and explains about compare and contrast. That is comparison-contrast pattern presents similarities (comparisons) between two or more things, differences (contrasts) between two or more things, or both similarities and differences. Her had view an example about comparison and contrast. Then, the teacher does exercises in the classroom with my friends. I problem to learn a Discourse Approach in Reading because about some vocabulary. But the teacher explains to me to understand in the classroom.